Brian and a few other guys went camping in West Virginia this past weekend. Brian had been looking forward to this trip for a long time.
In preparation for his outdoor adventure, he set up his tent in the backyard and he and Charis played. She was VERY excited. She pulled on the Moo-Cow boots and was ready to go!!
At first the tent was all fun and games.
We found out that she happens to like the dirt that goes along with camping about as much as I do.
Which is not much. Oh, I like to dream about being adventurous. In my mind I think
Camping with the family! What's not to love? And then I think about it...heat, sweating, lack of shower, catching my hotdog on fire over the campfire, burning my smores, waking in the middle of the night and praying the bears don't eat me while I stumble through the woods to find the bathroom...I could go on and on. So right now I'll let Brian enjoy the wilderness and I'll enjoy tent my backyard. Maybe by the time I'm 30 my adventurous side will "kick in."
these are so cute! i love the IDEA of camping too. i can't stand how you smell all smokey and feel sticky the next day. ;-)