Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tree Decorating and Our First "Snow"

As you can see I'm frantically trying to play catch up with our Christmas pictures.
Here's Charis decorating her silver tree in her bedroom. She chose glittery blue and silver ornaments to put on the tree.

Decorating the tree was a little more challenging this year. I forget how much stuff we unpack with all the boxes, the ornament hooks, the tissue paper, and sooooo many tree needles calling "eat me!" to Atalie. Charis was 6 months old on her first Christmas and had no interest in the tree. At 18 months she listened well enough that the tree wasn't an issue. Atalie is the perfect age to be completely intrigued AND conveniently selective in her hearing when given instructions. (Did she not hear me or is the wooing of the tree and it's glistening ornaments too much for her?)

I caught a random with Charis gently snuggling her sister and Atalie not screaming about possible strangulation.

And here's the first snow of the year. Mostly ice. Perhaps our only snow as tomorrow it's going to be near 60 degrees. *sigh* Sometimes I wish for the snows we used to have. I remember using 10 gallon buckets to build igloos in the backyard, my feet sinking shin deep in snow as I cried in the middle of the yard because I was cold but didn't want to go inside. I was younger than 10 last time that happened.
Here's our piddly snow this year. No matter how grumpy I was to wake up and see the "Storm of the Year" amounting to the frost on the veggies in my freezer, Charis was delighted. Yes, she's still in her pajamas. I had to rush her out was melting that fast.

She was so happy. Thankfully it doesn't take much. Maybe I need to be a little (or a lot) more like that.

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