Saturday, January 30, 2010

Atalie is 1!!!

Atalie turned one last week and we had a little celebration for her at the house. She's 23.5 pounds now! She's now walking all over the place. She always has a bruise on her face from falling...mostly in her crib. She's not afraid to fall or take some chances. When she was learning to walk she would just let go and free fall. If she was my first I probably would have freaked. She officially has 4 teeth that all came in this month. She's a big eater and pretty adventurous in her eating. She's eaten (and liked) salmon, tilapia, lasagna, southwest beef stew, tomato basil soup, and more. She pretty much will eat whatever we are having for dinner. She loves kid food, too, like macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, and squeals in excitement when she sees a hot dog. Her favorite person in the world is her Bean right now. She prefers her over me!

We had a great time...the kids played, we ate subs and cupcakes, and then Atalie got to open presents. Actually, I think I opened them. She had no idea what to do. :)

This was her first (and maybe only) bite of the cupcake. She was not a fan. Most of it ended up in her ear and on her hands.

The kiddos played in Charis's room.

Later she opened up the gift from the family. She'd figured out what to do. That is, if "what to do" is pull off some paper and try to eat it. Close enough.

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