Monday, November 9, 2009

Too much pie...

I ate waaay too much pie last night. But I'd been waiting for last night for weeks now. Of course, in all the talking, eating, and tripping on children, I forgot to pick up my camera. So disappointing. That's okay...there's always next year.
I got plenty of flack (and jokes) about having a pie party. There's was even a very long (and amusing) thread about the pie party on Facebook. The idea was simple: friends, families, thanksgiving, and dessert. I've been wanting to have friends over for a while now. I love party atmospheres so much.
What I really like doing is stepping back and watching the party for a little while. To stand back, listening to the laughing, watching people enjoy each other, meeting new people, and just spending time together. I wish I was better at telling people that I'm thankful for them. Because I am. More than I can express. I'm not so good at that.
I love holiday decorations, the smell of cinnamon and apple cider, and just spending time with friends. I know that a crowded party atmosphere isn't the best time to have deep, meaningful conversations. But I think having people over, opening our home, and teaching my children to be thankful is important. Charis was a bit overwhelmed by all the children (I think we counted 15?) and all the sharing that indefinitely goes with that many kids. There were a few tears, but all-in-all it was great.
We sampled apple pies, keylime, Snickers, chocolate maple pecan, pumpkin cheesecake, coconut, blueberry banana, snickerdoodle, strawberry cheesecake, and chocolate mousse pie. There was a little Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving action and even a little pie little guy who managed to work his way around all the people and stick his finger in a few pies about 8 or 10 times. :)
Atalie happily played in her exersaucer, rolled all around, and recieved the only battle wound of the night; she rolled right on a crown. Or as one guest described it, the "bear trap." That's a pretty accurate description.
Charis relaxed as the night went on (for those of you that don't know, she's not crazy about large crowds). I did catch her sticking her finger in another child's pie while they read a story as if it was completely normal to stick your finger in someone else's food and eat it without them giving you permission. The little girl graciously said, "It's okay" in that tone of voice that also said, "I deal with this all the time. Don't you know I have 2 sisters? It's no big deal." As soon as the party ended Charis asked for permission to retreat to the solitude of her room to play, alone, for a little while. Did I mention she wanted to be alone?
Brian had an amazing, God-ordained opportunity to pray with our neighbor in the front yard for God's hand of health to be over her the middle of the party. I love how unexpected God can be. How amazing for God to arrange a chance to connect with a rarely-seen neighbor in the middle of a party. J&A...God used you, too, because you left at the perfect time for Brian to run into our neighbor.
And Major...well, he ended up with a coffee bath on the back porch. He was a little too excited to see his Java-toting visitor.
So after a big clean-up (but not nearly as much as I expected...thanks Megan and Hannah!), next on the agenda is bathing the dog.
Well, after I plan the Cereal Party for January.


  1. FUN!!! sounds like the chocolate party I had last month. Love theme parties and lots of friends. does a heart good.

  2. tell about the chocolate party! What did you do? Did people bring stuff???
