Sunday, June 28, 2009

She has rug burn where?

It was picture day in the Disharoon household. I am now a huge fan of Picture Innovations, the studio we decided to make an appearance on this particular day. I was taking the girls to get photos done: Atalie's first professional pictures, and Charis's 2 year photos. The photos turned out great. We managed to sneak a few smiles out of Charis and keep her still for a millisecond so the photographer could catch those quick grins. Atalie, mellow as usual, smiled took it all in. Charis's friend Ava showed up and the girls played for a few minutes while we waited for our pictures.

After receiving our pictures, sighing in relief that the chaos was over, we got ready to say goodbye to friends and head out the door. Charis chose that particular moment to run after her friend, trip on her shoe, and go skidding on her face along the carpet. What did she use to catch herself, to brace for the fall? Her face. Where were her hands? By her side. Having hands did her no good at this particular moment. She gets her coordination from her mother.

And as a good mother would, I ran to her and scooped her up. Then I hear my mother say, "Oh poor baby!" That quickly turned into "Ooh. You should get a picture of that."

So I did.

At the time the people in the studio probably thought Can you believe that? Her child is bleeding and she's taking her picture! What can I say? The paparazzi in me took over. Now we have a memory of her first (and hopefully last) facial wound for the scrapbooks.

The nice people at the studio gave her some ice. But the ice never made it to her nose.

Ah, memories.

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