Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Since our neighbor is the world's most fanatical power washer, we often time have an issue with water in our backyard. Seriously...our side of the fence is turning green because of how much he runs his sprinkler, power washes his house, deck, shed, dog, wife...
He is either outside power washing or cooking on the grill. Grilling out only slightly outnumbers the obscene number of times he washes his property.
So, Brian's mission this summer has been to improve drainage in our backyard. It's been a long project because of Brian's work schedule, but he's almost done! On one of the less humid days, all of us played outside while Brian worked in the yard.

This picture cracks me up. Just had to add it.

Laying on her blanket, staring at the trees. She loved being outside.

A little fun in the Cozy Coupe. I love the second picture because she looks like she's going so fast, but in reality she's not even moving.

Yes, this is the river that flows from our backyard when our neighbor, Captain Power Washer, decides to do his daily chores. Yay! It works! Good job, husband!


  1. This so cracks me up...only because we're getting ready to power-wash our house this weekend. But no worries, it'll be the first time our white (ish) house will be getting a bath.

    Maybe you can send your neighbor over?

  2. that really stinks about your neighbor! these pictures are so cute! cogan has a cozy coupe too! love it.
