There I was, right around midnight, wondering if that was my water that just broke or did I have an accident? (TMI, right?) I was sure I wasn't in labor. I was 3 weeks early. Doesn't she know this isn't in my plan???
Alas, at 4 am I succumbed to the realization that I was, indeed, in labor. Atalie was here, 3 hours later. At one month she still looks tiny to me. But when I went to compare her weight and Charis's weight at one month, Atalie is the bigger one by an entire pound! She's 11 pounds 4 oz at one month. Short and tubby.
It's amazing how different they are even at this early age. Charis always had a worried furrow in her brow, cried about 5 minutes before every nap before falling asleep, and mastered skills months later than most but suddenly and without practice. Atalie is a completely different story. She's already trying to put pressure on her feet to stand while you hold her. Charis was MONTHS old before she even cared about doing that! Atalie looks relaxed most of the time, has cried fewer times than I can count on my fingers, is sleeeeeepy, and eats fast. So fast I was sure she wasn't getting enough nutrients. I guess gaining 9 oz in 4 days proved me wrong. Charis ate sloooow, but woke up during the day every 3 hours to eat. She has a tiny amount of very strawberry blonde hair. Charis had a black mohawk. :) Her eyes are blue. It took us forever to figure out Charis's eye color. As a lot of babies do, Charis had a brief fussy time in the evenings. Atalie just kind of chills out wherever she is. But boy can she grunt. Loud enough to turn OFF the monitor. I've gone in there so many times at night thinking she's up and ready to eat. Nope...just her grunting.
Alas, at 4 am I succumbed to the realization that I was, indeed, in labor. Atalie was here, 3 hours later. At one month she still looks tiny to me. But when I went to compare her weight and Charis's weight at one month, Atalie is the bigger one by an entire pound! She's 11 pounds 4 oz at one month. Short and tubby.
It's amazing how different they are even at this early age. Charis always had a worried furrow in her brow, cried about 5 minutes before every nap before falling asleep, and mastered skills months later than most but suddenly and without practice. Atalie is a completely different story. She's already trying to put pressure on her feet to stand while you hold her. Charis was MONTHS old before she even cared about doing that! Atalie looks relaxed most of the time, has cried fewer times than I can count on my fingers, is sleeeeeepy, and eats fast. So fast I was sure she wasn't getting enough nutrients. I guess gaining 9 oz in 4 days proved me wrong. Charis ate sloooow, but woke up during the day every 3 hours to eat. She has a tiny amount of very strawberry blonde hair. Charis had a black mohawk. :) Her eyes are blue. It took us forever to figure out Charis's eye color. As a lot of babies do, Charis had a brief fussy time in the evenings. Atalie just kind of chills out wherever she is. But boy can she grunt. Loud enough to turn OFF the monitor. I've gone in there so many times at night thinking she's up and ready to eat. Nope...just her grunting.
AHHH!! I'm TOTALLY interested!! THANK YOU for including me in the email...LOVE it. Makes me feel like I'm getting to 'chat' with you.
She is so cute! I can totally related to the grunting! Mayah was a huge grunter and I was awakened many times by that loud grunting in the night! All of the sudden, it just stopped! Everyone would tell me that would happen and I didn't believe them, but it's true, she doesn't do it anymore and I can't remember when she stopped.