Thursday, September 3, 2009

His Healing Rain

As some of you remember, Charis went in for an MRI and EEG months ago when doctor's (and parents) were concerned about some limping and pain in her foot. It was there, then it faded. God moved and the tests were fine. Praise Him!

So once again we find ourselves in the same place. This time with Atalie. For the past few weeks I've noticed some head-bobbing and eye flutters at meals. I figured maybe gas, or even just a baby thing. They do funny things, you know? Kind of like when you hear about kids banging their head on the crib to soothe themselves to sleep. Then I noticed it in the exersaucer. And during tummy time. Not constantly, never a pattern, and never very long. I told myself I was over-reactioning 100 times. Okay, way more than that. And I fought (and mostly won) my urge to google medical conditions. (Never, never a good idea when you don't have a diagnosis). Finally I caught it on camera and called the doctor's office. The doctor took a look at the video and said, "It could be nothing. But I'm pretty sure it's a petit mal seizure. Which, if you are going to have a seizure disorder, that's the one you'd want to have." Really?!? Not exactly my choice of seizures, to be honest. I'd prefer the ones in the "none" category. So an EEG is scheduled very soon (miraculously, again...these things usually take weeks to get in for appointments). Tuesday at 8:30 AM. The doctor said we are hoping it's just the normal baby head-bobbing. Duh.

Thankfully I can do more than hope. We don't have to carry this alone, even though it's so hard to let go of. How is it that worry and pain and fear...the things we so desperately desire to get rid of...are the hardest to let Him have?

I fought against writing anything about this tonight. I didn't want people to think, "Again? Didn't she have an EEG for her other child too?" I didn't want to come across like a worrier, like a hypochondriac, or overly dramatic. But if I'm really honest and tell you how I feel, rather than give you the Sunday School answer, I am a little worried. And it's not hypochondria because the doctor validated my concerns after seeing it on video. And it is dramatic to me; this is my precious gift, my sweet baby girl.

Once again we get the chance to see Him move. I didn't expect it here. And again, if I'm brutally honest, I didn't want it this way. And though I feel nervous about the outcome, I know He will move and He will be glorified. Atalie literally means "The Lord is exalted."

He gave us her name for a reason.

Let His healing rain fall...


  1. Wow girl, way to make me cry my eyes out at 11 at night. Jordan and I will be on our knees for both of them. Let me know how it goes! We love ya'll and I am proud of you. I would speak to say Healing Rain has already fallen and she (both) are already healed. God is good, all the time!

  2. I prayed for her today! Keep us updated and let us know if you need anything. :)

  3. Hey lady. I just wanted to send some encouragement your way. A guy from our church was scheduled to go in for a colostomy yesterday morning. He's had colon cancer for a while, gone through chemo and radiation, and there were a bunch of tumors that came back. Based on the MRIs, they were going to have to remove a portion of his colon and he'd have a bag in its place for the rest of his life. So, I know there have been tons of people in prayer for him, including Daniel and I (specifically believing that God was going to heal him and the doctors would find nothing to remove), and he went into surgery yesterday and there were no tumors--just scar tissue. Isn't that amazing?? God IS in the business of healing, so let His Healing Rain fall on your two little ones. I know we don't know each other very well and don't see each other often, but please keep me posted on how everything goes. We'll be in prayer for you guys.

  4. Wow. This really moved me. I'm catching up on my reading and I'm glad I already know the results. But I love what you say at the end about her name. Wow.
