Atalie turned 6 months at the end of June. I've been waiting to post this because her doctor's appointment wasn't until yesterday. I needed to get my stats in order. :)
Height: 27.5 inches (95%ile)
Weight: 19 pounds exactly (90%ile)
I've been wondering why Charis's old clothes aren't fitting her so well. I kept thinking How much did I shrink these? But, Atalie has caught up with Charis. Charis was only 6 ounces more at this age, and Atalie is 2.5 inches taller. Ah-ha! No wonder I'm having trouble with those crotch-snappy-things on all her clothes. And she's in a bigger diaper size, too. So, just turning 6 months old and in 9-12 month clothes, and some of Charis's 12 month clothes.
She's babbling a lot, when she can get a word in around Charis. :) She tends to be very quiet in public, taking it all in. She loves standing, smacks her big ol' belly when she's excited. No teeth yet, no rolling. Though I'm not surprised with all that tubba-tub to get moving. She loves peas, despises applesauce, and still loves tummy time. Not much hair yet, though the little bit that is coming in looks really blonde.
And she managed to get her toes in her mouth. Yay! I love it when they do that. There's a lot of grunting and straining involved, but the toes do manage to get there for a second or so.
I do loooove me some chunky babies.
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